Why Your Baby Could Be Hungry All Over Again?

In the early part of the life of a baby supplementation of breast milk is necessary. It provides them an ideal dosage of nutrients for their rapid development. This does not mean things are easy. The crying of baby during late nights can make a mother frustrated. If you are thinking even after hungry baby milk to sleep why does my baby cry? Trust me you are not alone!

Consider things first
Figure out whether supply of milk is the real problem or not. The baby is not in a position to say” I am full”. You would have to observe signs of communication to understand that they are full. Weight gain or diapers would provide an idea if a baby is full. The doctor can guide you on how many wet diapers you need on a daily basis.

Now understanding on how to count a wet diaper? Just pour teaspoons of water in a clean diaper which would provide you with a feel on your hand. If numerous wet diapers are found, with weight of your baby increasing by 4 to 7 ounces weekly, doctor would be able to confirm that the baby is gaining enough weight.

The baby could feel the need for more milk
Sometimes a hungry crying baby could take things overdrive. If your baby really seems hungry there would be no point to be discouraged. Mothers are physically not in a position to produce more milk. If a couple of changes can be made in your routine it will enable you to produce more milk
  •        Get in touch with a lactation specialist to figure out what is sustainable and effective for your family
  •        Nurse on a regular basis. New born babies would need nursing for 8 to 10 times during the day. Do offer them breast milk on a regular basis or a few pumping sessions would stimulate your body to produce more milk
  •        Increase intake of water and have a balanced diet. If you try to lose weight just after pregnancy can have an impact on supply of breast milk. Do take good care of yourself along with your little one
  •        Have a glance at herbal supplements. Most of them help to enhance the supply of milk. Do consult a lactation specialist before you consume them
  •        If need arises supplement formula. An ideal diet for your baby is breast milk and feeding them is the best course of action. Regular feeding of breastfeeding is the key and at the same time the supply of it should not decrease. Formula milk once in a while could reduce the gaps though the baby could absorb essential antibiotics from you. In case if you are not able to increase milk supply it could be a temporary phase.

Still your baby is into breastfeeding and screams after being fed. Then it is time to explore other options. Gas pain could force the baby to cry. Sometimes your baby might need a little bit of pampering as well.
