Artificial Womb Baby Born: A Successful Discovery

With the advancement of technology, ectogenesis gives rise to produce a baby out of the womb or an artificial womb baby born. In other words, it is the gestation outside of a biological womb. It seems like a science fiction. It appeared an impressive glimpse at what the future baby could look like. Ectogenesis will completely change the reproduction of humans. It is the best method to enhance the fertility option and developing premature baby.

Being pregnant and giving the birth to a baby is very risky to mother’s health. But according to the research in April 2017 fetal specialist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia successfully design an artificial womb. Alan Flake develop a bio-bag work as external womb where uterus like environment created and this system is called extra-uterine support device (EUSD) or Ex-Vivo uterine Environment (EVE). This device is also known as an artificial placenta due to providing oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the lamp through the umbilical vein. And through the umbilical artery, it gets blood full of waste products. It helps to improve the survival rate of premature babies. Researchers choose the baby lamp ( equivalent to the human foetus 22-24 weeks) to grow. The bio-bag is a translucent plastic bag which encloses the fetal lamp and like a biological uterus, this bio-bag also protects it from the external environment. An electrolyte solution is provided as like an amniotic fluid of a biological uterus. Through these specific conditions, the lamp grows successfully.

Premature babies can also lead to death. There are many babies who die before reaching 37 weeks of pregnancy. Babies who require immediate ventilation and medications and intensive care unit they suffer only on a host of health conditions. After supporting the baby lamp researchers works on EUSD by conducting clinical trials to ready for humans to improve the survival rates and it takes next two to four years. EUSD is the neonatal life support device.

Scientists of Cambridge University also works on human and kept alive human’s baby outside the womb for about thirteen days. Embryo survives for 13 days and after this, they stopped because they have only fourteen days legal limit and the embryo can be kept in the lab. With the advancement of technology still, researchers are work on it so that the ectogenesis or baby born in the artificial womb would change the world. Now the recent invention is the baby pouch that would changes society.

There are several benefits of medical devices such as it is helpful to those parents in which infertility is the major problem, helpful to trans people to provide fertility option, save the lives of premature babies. It offers the safe and traditional pregnancy through the healthier environment in this modern century. It prevents the risk of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, it only provides ideal conditions such as temperature, nutrients, and sound to the baby. Once it would be successful for human’s babies in upcoming years then it would also depend upon the society that how it can change by ectogenesis. There are many questions that what rights would be given to then baby developed in the external environment. But there would be also a risk to the baby in growing the external womb.
