Every time you miss your periods or see the early symptoms of pregnancy in your body, you cannot run to a doctor. It’s not feasible after all. To cater all these needs, home pregnancy kits were invented.
What is a home pregnancy test kit and it works?
Missed period? Had a false negative pregnancy test? You are pregnant but the kit showed it wrong? Well, a lot of women went through these depressing situations only to realize that home pregnancy test kits should not be trusted blindly.
Home pregnancy test kits work in a certain way: the kit has been designed to detect a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) present in the urine of pregnant women. hCG hormone appears in female urine approximately after 20 days of missed menstrual cycle. For the next 60- 80 days the hormone rises fast, reaching its peak in the first trimester. However, if your home pregnancy test came out with a big, fat frer false negative, you simply do not have enough hCG in your urine.
If you are the one who’s been trying to get pregnant for a long time, we understand that false negative or false positive test results can result in stress, anxiety, and nervous tension. Please keep in mind while commercials of these products claim that the results are 99 percent accurate, studies have shown that actual precision of home pregnancy test can vary from 54% to 97% on the first week of the missed period. So you really cannot solely rely on them, right?
Causes of a false positive test result
Although rare, false negative first response can put in an appearance due to various reasons.
If your test comes out positive, here are the possible reasons-
One of the common reasons that pregnancy tests can come out wrong is that the woman performing the test is not doing it right. Not performing the test properly can lead to serious confusions.
As we have said earlier, the presence of hCG in your urine is the only thing that home pregnancy test kit can detect. However, hCG can be present in the urine from a very early miscarriage. If infertility treatment has been carried out on a woman, hCG can be present in the system even after two weeks after the injection, and cause confusing results.
Often tumors and extracts from pituitary gland for menopausal women can be the reason why you have tested positive even when you are not pregnant.
What’s next?
By now, we have discussed the reasons for false positive or false negative pregnancy results by using home pregnancy tests. What happens next? Based on the pregnancy test results, this is what one can do-
If you have got positive results following the test, make an appointment with your doctor. You might need some more tests or USG scan for confirmation.
Likewise, if the result is a false negative, you can consult a doctor too. Or if you do not want to go a doctor this soon, repeat the tests in a few days, or probably after one week.
Drawing the concluding lines
There are many factors that can lead to wrong pregnancy test results. Missed menstrual periods (amenorrhea) can be a result of body weight issues, thyroid disorders, problems with the ovaries, or excessive exercise and stress. Check with your health care provider and get back to your track.
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