What Do You Understand About A Popped Up Belly Button

popped belly button
One of the frequent questions with the would be mothers would be about the popped belly button. Whether it is going to pop or stick out when you are pregnant. On the other side of the coin would be mothers were asked what would happen if the belly button did not pop out during pregnancy. Would they be really worried? Some interesting answers emerged out of the discussion

What is the time frame when the belly button pops out?

The abdomen is pushed forward by the uterus. The abdominal pressure that it exerts would push the belly button forward and in certain cases would make it protrude.

What are the precise reasons for a popped out belly button

By week 26, the uterus is at an expanding stage and this does go on to push forward. But in case of some pregnancies and particularly with an outie or skinny pregnancy this could take place in the second trimester of pregnancy. At this point of time a woman goes on to discover a protruding navel. This pretty much answers the questions on why do belly button pop out during pregnancy.

Is there anything can be done at this point of time?

Basically you cannot do anything at this juncture. A popped up belly button is something that cannot be avoided and harmless at the same time. This could be when you had an outie or a stretched out belly button to start off the process. It is expected that after a few months of delivery it is going to restore back to its normal position. Though it may replicate a situation of stretched in or lived in. just consider it as a token of appreciation that you can spot out in a proud banner.  There have been a lot of women who did not have a popped out belly button and did go on to have normal deliveries
Did you find any relation between a popped out belly button and the gender of the baby
Till date no substantial research exists any consensus between a popped out belly button and the gender of the baby.

Can a popped out belly button lead to a situation of umbilical hernia?

In case of certain woman there is a hole or defect in the walls of the abdomen long before pregnancy. When you are pregnant or put excessive amount of weight gain, it does go on to put stress on the weak or defective area that make the hernia more noticeable. The hole is going to become so large that the tissue cannot pass through it, the hernia does become so painful and a degree of bulge is seen around the umbilical region. A general suggestion would be to wait till no longer you are pregnant so as to repair the umbilical hernia. But if it becomes trapped that means that the tissue cannot find its way out then surgery becomes the only option. Do weigh the pros and cons of surgery before you opt for one.
