Relaxin in an important hormone that is secreted in a woman’s body during pregnancy. It is normally secreted to help in pregnancy but if you do not conceive, it drops again. The hormone also prepares the uterine lining for pregnancy. If you are already pregnant then it helps the fetus stick to the uterine wall along with placenta growth. The hormone is very active during the first trimester to help the uterine walls to relax and keep any contraction at bay. Contractions early on in pregnancy can cause premature childbirth. As the pregnancy progresses, the body struggles to cope with the increased demand in food and oxygen for the growing baby. Here, relaxin helps in regulating the renal and cardiovascular systems of the mother so that she can provide the added demands of the fetus.It also helps in the regulation of the waste products which enhances the flow of blood to the kidneys and placenta.
If you are wondering when does relaxin peak during pregnancy then the answer is definitely the first and last trimester. During the end of the pregnancy also relaxin helps the membranes around the uterus to rupture and help in the childbirth process. The hormone softens the vagina and cervix along with the front muscles of the pelvic region to reduce the pain of delivery. The vagina and cervix also soften during this time for the baby to emerge. Relaxin is secreted in the ovary by the corpus luteum. But during pregnancy whatever amount is produced in the ovary is insufficient for meeting the requirement of this hormone in the body. Therefore, the uterus lining and placenta also start producing the hormone to meet the requirement. Relaxin also helps the feet in expanding to give support to the growing weight and in some women can affect their shoe size even.
Relaxin hormone is present in both pregnant and non-pregnant women. The amount produced is at its highest 14 days after ovulation starts. In pregnant women the level of this hormone is maximum because of the number of functions that it has to meet. Relaxin also helps in the final development of the mammary glands so that it is ready for the lactation period. It is essential for healing of the wounds and reduces tissue fibrosis in lungs, heart, kidney and liver. In brief, tissue fibrosis is a condition wherein hard tissue is formed in the body because of inflammation and can cause the loss of the organ’s function. Relaxin has also been known to help the blood vessel relax and thereby bring down blood pressure. It also helps in the growth of new vessels.
The presence of relaxin in greater levels in the body may lead to premature birth. While too little of it may cause scleroderma, a condition where the skin becomes thick and gradually hardens. It is usually caused by fibrosis and skin scaring. It is however not known when relaxin peak during pregnancy but the body regulates it on its own to facilitate the process of the baby’s growth and birth.
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