Unhealthy food and Pregnancy

Food and Digestion

Food is the most important thing that a human being live for. Without food a person cannot work a little bit also. Thus it is one of the most basic requirement of a human being just like shelter, air, water etc. and human beings are totally dependent on these things. The food is the very effective thing as it is the source of energy for every human being. When the food gets inside our body the food gets churned in to simpler compound from complex organic compound. These feat is very much possible due to the presence of enzymes present in the body. These enzymes jumps upon the food when the food enters the body. The first line of attack is just below the tongue area where glands producing enzymes are present so that they can simplify the complex food material in to simpler products. All of this process is due to proper digestion of the body. And as the digestion happens the each and the every food undergoes different sort of metabolic cycle through important biomolecules are secreted these bio9molecules are very much important for the body function and without them human body will be dead. For example ATP, which is the energy currency of the human body, and at each step and at each reaction this ATP provides energy to the body so that the functions.

The alternative

However there are a lot of healthy alternative for unhealthy foods in the market. Some food which are apparently unhealthy are also very much healthy we can take it in a different way or just in a different form. For example it is very much known to all of us that the potato chips are very much harmful to the body and it is the sole reason for having cholesterol in the body. However if change the normal potato to sweet potato for making these wedges it will certainly be very much healthy and sweet potato is a very good source of Vitamin B6 and can also reduce the risk of heart attack  as well as degenerative diseases. There are many more examples as well. Dark chocolate, Margarine butter, popcorn etc.

The pregnancy

The condition that is exclusively experienced by a woman and also endured by a woman through the time period of about 9 long months where the baby grows in the body of the mother, inside the womb in a very much safe manner thus after nine months the baby is fully grown and ready to be out in the universe from the mother’s womb. This pregnancy causes a lot of changes in the woman from its physical as well as chemical appearance as well. One of the most common example of it is the certain cravings of the mood swings about having different kind of foods at different sort of time.

The craving

Unhealthy pregnancy cravings can lead to taking of unhealthy food. Which will surely effect the mother to be in a bad way. Improper digestion will also cause improper digestion in the baby also as the mother and the baby shares the same sort of food.

It is very much required to have proper healthy during this time as healthy mother will also produce heathy child.
