Do you feel that the scope of natural motherhood is on the decline?

The day is not far that as per developments in the domain of medical science artificial womb baby born is going to be a hard core reality. The natural process of child birth is going to be on the decline. What it does mean is that you can grow a foetus outside the body of the mother. This could be via fertilization or even after the process of fertilization but the foetus needs to spend some amount of time in the natural womb. It might replicate a situation of science fiction but scientists are making a lot of progress in this direction.

Some researchers were able to take the samples of the uterine tissue of a woman and then these cells were tested in the laboratory. To the engineered womb the human embryos went on to successfully attach and this began to develop. After a few days this experimentation did not find any major value because of the infertility treatment. But baby born inartificial womb is a reality after people of Japan went on to study goat foetus in the womb for a few weeks.

In a way people are pursuing their active interest in this matter till date and you can expect any radical success in the shortest time frame possible. It might even strike you without warning. If you are street smart you are going to consider the ethical considerations and why it is still in the stage of theory and not in a naïve stage. Now you need to figure out whether artificial wombs are a good idea or not.


The main benefit till date for this research is the benefit that could be extends to the fetus. At the same time there are some definite advantages of the same. The main benefit would be that the death of the premature infants could be reduced to a considerable level, as you can transfer the foetus to an artificial womb. It would continue to grow and develop in complete safety as well. There are some situations where such a womb might be much safer than an artificial womb. The risks of alcohol , addiction or pollutants could be eradicated to a considerable level.

You can term it as two sides of the same coin. If you can consider them to be safe, could you make sure that the insurance companies would go on to use artificial wombs as a safe alternative. Would they adopt such a stance where they are not going to pay compensation for someone who is not opting for the natural method of birth.

Here the question of the development of a baby also comes into consideration. There is no denying the fact that the fetus is being influenced by an environment where it grows. It means that the heartbeat or the actions of the mother has a direct impact on the baby. Now do you think whether a natural environment is safe for the baby.
