Cervical cancer is known to be the cancer in the cervical region of the cervix which is actually astart to the uterus. Early cervical cancer symptoms in pregnancy can be quite undetectable without any particular noticeable symptoms or signs. However the later symptoms definitely include pelvic pain, intense pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal bleeding. According to the obstetricians and gynecologistsit is difficult to develop a fully blown cervical cancer during pregnancy.
A preliminary test to detect cervical cancer during pregnancy can bethe cervical Pap smear test. Women detected with an abnormal Pap smear pregnant,have a fifty percent chance of developing or having cervical cancer, the rest can be due to a multitude of other reasons. A Pap smear detects possible cancerous agents and also other precancerous changes in the cervical region. If the results of a pap smear test detect cancer, your doctor will definitely ask you to go for colonoscopy, not only to get a closer look at the region but also to confirm the results of the Pap smear test. In colonoscopy usually a speculum is used to keep the vagina open and making the cervix easy to observe, through the opening. A vinegarbased solutions is then sprayed in the cervical portion which will further clear the region, and give a clear view under a special magnifying glass. This will help in assessing and evaluating any abnormalities associated with the region.
Cervical cancer usually does not have any ill effects on the baby but the treatment of the same might have some. Cervical cancer is generally caused by the human papillomavirus(HPV) infection. Obviously human papilloma virus is transmitted sexually and is very common. A lot of women get these in their lifetime but also get rid of the infection in few years and hence do not develop any problems. It is obviously unsure how the process happens or when the virus leave the body, but it is quite mysterious that few women develop cervical cancer while others get rid of it easily. The human papillomavirus, the causative agent of the cancer grows very slowly and progresses through innumerable precancerous stages before blooming into the full blown cervical cancer. Hence it is very essential that you get a smear test during pregnancy done as a part of your regular check up.
The best possible way of the treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy is, only if the cancer is detected early. However your doctor might go for close monitoring of the cancerous growth throughout your period of pregnancy, but might only recommend treating it once you deliver your baby safely. But in case your cancer is in an advanced stage it needs immediate removal. And then immediate removal of this would mean removing the tissues from the cervical region, that holds and encloses your uterus during pregnancy. An easy yet careful treatment would be shaving off the cells in cervical walls. This is easy in the sense, this will not harm your pregnancy at all. But as the process suggests this can be painful, and hence can cause preterm labour and also preterm delivery. But only in very few and rare cases, the mother and the doctor both need to make the toughest decision by allowing the treatment of the cancer at the cost of the baby.
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