What is Vaginal Douching?

What is Vaginal Douching

Vaginal Douching means washing of the vagina with water and vinegar .It is estimated that around 80% of the woman use vaginal douche in order to prevent themselves from the problem of bad odors after the periods and to avoid sexually transmitted diseases during intercourse. It is also used to prevent pregnancy. According to studies it has revealed that douching is not effective in nature as it increases the chance of infections and women will face couples of problems in conceiving it. Let is now find about douching.

About Douching
 Douching is the word which describes wash. This method is used to wash the vagina with the help of water along with other chemicals that are not good for vagina. Woman will come across with different douches in market which is equipped with cool fragrances and antiseptic properties. This comes in bottle along with bag that can be sprayed easily inside your vagina. Now the next question is douching is safe during pregnancy or not?

Is douching while pregnant is harmful?
Yes, douching at the time of pregnancy is harmful as it changes the level of normal bacteria in the Vagina which will further develop yeast infections that will irritate vagina. According to doctors it has been stated that douching is not required in pregnancy as vagina cleans itself when the dead cells flush out through semen and bacteria.

What are the other causes of douche vaginal?
 The other causes of vaginal douching will cover down

Infections in Vagina- Douching is not good, as it upsets the balance of bacteria in the vagina.  Due to these changes, there will be growth in bacteria which further causes infection to vagina. According to latest studies women who do not douche is likely to safe from infections. Regular douching will increase the risk of preterm labor along with sexually transmitted diseases.

 Risk of Cervical Cancer- Douching will increase the risk of cervical cancer if it is done regularly without missing it. It is better to consult your doctor’s first if you need douching for safe and hygiene part.

PID- PID is an infection which is known as Pelvic Inflammatory diseases. This infection is caused to the uterus along with fallopian tubes and ovaries that will further reduce the risk of pregnancy. Women who are planning for their pregnancy should avoid douching as that they are not good for them in any areas.
Thus these are the above main causes of douching, which can be easily prevented after taking advice from your doctors.

Useful advice
According to Experts in Health areas, states that woman should avoid douching especially when they are pregnant to avoid different kinds of infections that are harmful for your pregnancy. If a woman faces any kind of bad odor, then in such case they can use warm water and mild soap to wash away. Still condition is more serious and women faces strong odor then she may suffer from any kind of infection. it would be recommended that women should consult their doctor first before moving for vaginal douching in order to prevent from different kinds of diseases.
