Pros and cons of vaginal douching

Pros and cons of vaginal douching

Nearly 40 % of women in the age bracket of 15 to 44 years in the US resort to douching. The higher rates are being witnessed in Afro African women in comparison to other races. The main reason given by them is that it makes them fresh and at the same time helps them to get rid of the pungent odour. It tends to wash off the blood after their menstrual blood after their monthly periods, chances of pregnancy diminishes after intercourse coupled with the fact that sexually transmitted disease happen to be a bare minimum as well.

On the question can a pregnant women douche, the health experts point out that it is not useful for any purposes. It actually goes on to increase the risk of pregnancy complications, infections along with a host of other health issues.

The facts about vaginal dusch?

In French it means to soak or wash. The method is to wash your vagina with a mixture of water and a liquid which happens to be vinegar. The douches that are available in supermarkets are loaded with fragrances. It is normally available in a bag or tube and is then sprayed upward through a tube on to the vagina.

Some women are of the opinion that douching does make them clean. But there is very little scientific evidence to prove this fact. In the overall context the disadvantages pose more problem than the advantages which are as follows
  • Vaginal infections- when you douche you upset the balance of natural bacteria in your vagina. What it does is that it makes the changes conducive for the bacteria to thrive. Research does point to the fact that women who douched less have lesser chances of vaginal infections. For sure it does increase the chances of sexually transmitted diseases along with premature delivery.
  • PID- it also goes by the name of pelvic inflammatory disease and it indicates an infection of the uterus or the ovaries. Studies do point to the fact that in case of women who douche the risk rises by high as 73 %
  • Complications in pregnancy- women who go on to douche more than once in a week have less chances of becoming pregnant in comparison to women who did not douche. The chances of ectopic pregnancy also increase by as high as 73 %. This is a type of pregnancy where the embryo is planted outside of the uterus. More a woman goes on to douche the higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Cervical cancer- if you go on to douche more than once in a week the chances of cervical cancer increases to a large extent
 Should you go on to douche?

From our discussion till now the question that arises is that should you go on to douche? At all points you need to avoid douching. Some form of smell from your vagina is ok, but if it a bit too much then it could be an infection. You would need to consult your doctor.
