Would you consider douching to be safe during the period of pregnancy?

Would you consider douching to be safe during the period of pregnancy

Would you douche while pregnant? Let us straight away get to the facts. It is basically a vaginal flush of the cavities. It is basically designed to rinse the vagina by input of water along with other solutions. Most of them are available over the counter by prescription. In a way douches could also be termed as vaginal deodorant.
Women have a mass appeal with regards to the use of a vaginal douche during the course of pregnancy. The reason for it is that pregnancy could lead to a massive increase in vaginal discharge. This excess discharge could make a women feel dirty and the temptation of replacing it with a beautiful scented product works out to be very appealing.
The flip side                                                       
The vagina is known to clean itself and no artificial cleaning methods need to be adopted. In fact numerous studies do point to the fact that there are numerous health disadvantages of douching whether it is a pregnant woman or not. One of the biggest disadvantages is that it goes on to disturb the physical and chemical balance of bacteria in the vagina. When you disrupt it a woman is more prone to infections whereby the natural bacteria of the vagina is washed away which is fighting secretions. In way new bacteria is being introduced to the vagina. Douche for sure is going to increase the occurrence of PID and this would mean a fatal infection of one of the major pelvic organs of the body. This would lead to a chance of preterm delivery where infections in labor problems and the baby could arise.
How is the vagina going to clean itself?
The fluids are created from your cervix and the vagina is known to carry old cells. This would have lined up the vagina. In case of non-pregnant women the discharge is at a minimum level and it could be milky or clear. It is not going to smell bad till you are prone to an infection. If you are sexually aroused or hormone levels are high, then the amount of discharge is going to increase. For this reason it could be stated that pregnant or breastfeeding women have higher chances of infection.

For this reason if you find out that there is excess discharge you would need to get in touch with your health care provider. The reason of it is that you do not want the bacteria to reach out to the unborn child or the cervix being irritated. This could lead to a chance of pre-term birth. Discharge with blood could point to an occurrence of miscarriage or a chance of birth being at an early stage. In certain cases it could mean nothing as well. The only way to confirm the facts is to pay a visit to the doctor.
Ideally you should not experience any vaginal irritation, pain or burning when you are pregnant. For sure this pretty much answers the question can you douche when pregnant.
