With the aid of baby contraction timer you can find out the frequency in terms of
contractions. Say if you feel that you are due for delivery then with the help
of this tool the information is obtained whether you would need to head to a
hospital. Normally with the help of a stop watch you can keep a track of the
contraction along with the frequency, but it is not going to be that precise.
It works out to be a reliable tool for the would be mothers in order to time
their contractions.
There are numerous contraction timers online that does the
job for you. One can even go on to download it and then share it with their
friends or relatives.
The process to use the contraction
The moment you come across a
tightening sensation then it is suggested that you press the start button. This
could be felt from inside or your hand on the belly and it would go on to
indicate a single contraction. The moment you do feel the uterus relaxed then
press the stop button. This process is to be repeated as the contraction keeps
on occurring and their main objective is to check the intervals in terms of
contractions. Ideally you do require 6 to 8 contractions to understand the
pattern of it. This would point to the length and how far the contraction tends
to differ from each other.
During labor what do the contractions
feel like?
As stated early it is a feeling of
tightening and relaxation of the uterine muscles. The cramps tend to emerge at
the back and then move forward in a wave like pattern. At this point of time
the abdomen does become hard.
It is pretty difficult to
differentiate the true contractions from the false ones. The latter is referred
to as Braxton Hicks and tends to occur in the weeks leading up to pregnancy.
The false ones vary in intensity and are also regular in nature. Some women do
get the feeling that they are actually proceeding to labor. The moment to
consider here is progression and unlike the false ones, the true versions
become stronger, closer and stronger over a period of time.
There are some contractions which
might arise before water breaking as this indicates that you are having true
contractions. Instead of relying on a watch or a clock you can use a calculator
and this will indicate on how far you have gone ahead in labor.
Do try to time a few contractions. Do
start counting the first contraction to the next one. To figure out the true
contractions from the false ones, the below mentioned points would be of help
It becomes longer and stronger over a period of time
It does go on to occur at regular periods of time
Even if you do change positions it does
continue to occur
Frequency does increase
To have an exact idea rely on the 4 –
2- 1rule.
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