Breastfeeding often called nursing is feeding a baby
or newborn the nutritious milk from the breasts of their mother. Medically, it
is best if the mother starts to feed her baby within an hour of birth as the
early milk is full of colostrum which actively provides the immunity to the
baby until he is strong enough to produce some of his own.
The idea of breastfeeding is simple but it’s quite a
difficult job especially for the first time moms. If a mother knows the best position for breastfeeding new born then it will be a far easier task for both
the mother and her child. There are various kinds of positions for
breastfeeding a baby in public and in home that are each having its own benefits
and drawbacks.
Usually the first time you’ll be breastfeeding, you’ll
be laying on the hospital bed, tired and exhausted after the C-section or the
delivery. So the best position then will the the side lay. It’s the easiest
position where you and your baby lay side by side, your tummies facing each
other so that they don’t need to turn their head to nurse and put a small
pillow behind him or her to hold them close. You can also put a free hand to
cup your breast to hold it stable.
The latching of a baby to your nipple should be
proper so that the breastfeeding will not cause sore nipples. The baby should
be held firm and close to you, and his or her mouth should cover and suck from
both the nipple and areola. Once your baby
is suitably latched on, you can gentlycompress the breast with your finger to
move it away from baby’s nose. Raising the baby a bit may also provide a slight
breathing space.
If you had Caesarean
section for the delivery, you should avoid pressing the
baby against your stomach. You should try the purse hold or the football hold.
First hold the baby under the arm of the same side as the breast he or she will
be nursing from. The baby would be facing you with her or his nose at the level
of your nipple. Now guide her to your nipple, chin first and support you baby’s
back by with free hand.
Now after a month or two, the mother may go to the
job or during outings there she may need to feed her baby. There are some comfy
ways to breastfeed even without the support of pillows and bed. Always remember
to bring the baby to your nipple rather than the opposite. Avoid bending or
leaning to your baby as it may cause back pains, curved back and excessive
upper body damage to your already weaken body.
Always vary from position to position to find your best positions for breastfeeding. The
nursing should be a comfortable and relaxed experience for both the baby and
you. There are specially made nursing blouses, dresses and bras for the mothers
who are breastfeeding, which provide easy access to your nipples to your
infant. There are special made pillows too. Make sure that you use all the
available resources today, for a more comfortable jouney on the begginging days
as a mother.
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