Artificial Uterine Baby Born

Artificial Uterine Baby Born

Fetal abnormalities
Pregnancy related problems are increasing day by day. As the generation progresses the amount of pressure, stress and anxiety are increasing many folds. These stress and anxiety results in to social malpractices like excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking and many more. These things can provide a temporary relief to the problems calming the nerves. However excessive and continuous consumption can be very much fatal for every individual. And disease like cancer grows even bigger with these effects. Along with cancer several other problems also arise. Especially females have a very delicate body system than the males. Hormonal imbalance is very common in females. And these effects pose a great threat to the female body system. During pregnancy a female body undergoes immense surge in hormones. A good number of hormones are generated during this phase. With the usage of these materials the potency of those hormones decrease. And there comes the problem like infertility. To control fetal abnormalities many ways has been used. However the artificial birth system stands tall among all of them.

Arterial Uterus

Nowadays artificial uterus or artificial womb baby born system is widely used. It is a system where that allows pregnancy to happen in extra uterine environment. It allows growth of a fetus outside the uterus with all possible essentialities required for the growth. The system is hypothetical, and it is devised to carry on the growth process. It is a replacement organ for the uterus that has a lot of application. Infertility is not only a woman disorder. Infertility can be caused by female problem as well as male problem also. Thus either male or female problem both can be treated with this hypothetical system and also with the development of fetus. In the early stage of the pregnancy when detected with prenatal problems, the fetus transferred aseptically to the hypothetical environment at a very early age. In this regard it can be called as a neonatal incubator having a much extended amount of function mimicking the natural intrauterine conditions. It avails complete fetal development. And it is also useful for performing fetal surgery at a very early stage.


The artificial system comprises of a sac like environment that helps in maintaining a liquid state to keep it natural like that of the original uterine environment. Artificial placenta are also provided to have proper gaseous exchange as well as the nutrient exchange also. Previously surrogacy was a well-practiced method as an alternative for infertility. However due to ethical issues surrogacy has been stopped recently. And this artificial uterine system for the development of the fetus as well as to manage the problem of infertility is a potent alternative.

Next level of research

Experimental result suggests the very positive result. First experiments were done with a baby sheep. Where the sheep were grown in that system. And the outcome was really positive. The sheep has a normal life with normal growth and no deformities. The step of the research will be the baby born in artificial womb condition.

We should keep faith in the researchers. The next generation treatment method are arriving very shortly.
