Significance of an Abnormal PAP Smear

The moment a woman goes on to touch 21 years or within 3 years of becoming sexually active they are advised to be part of routine Pap smear tests. You need to be aware of the fact that they are not diagnostic tests, but screening tools where any form of abnormal cells in the cervix are found. Abnormal pap during pregnancy common in a large variety of cases and when you are subject to periodical checks then early detection and treatment does become a lot easier as well.
When a doctor does tell you that you have an abnormal pap smear then it is obvious that you will be alarmed and a bit anxious. It does point to the fact that you have abnormal cells in dysplasia. On all counts, it is better to be aware of the fact that when you have abnormal cells it does in no way point to cancer. What it does mean is that further round of testing may be needed to figure out whether the problem is deep rooted or not.
The main reasons for an abnormal pap smear are infection, inflammation or HPV. The last mention factor is one of the main reasons for cervical cancer. When there is a positive result it does point to the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix. Be aware of the fact that it is a mere test and not diagnosis in any way. If the results are positive, in no way it points to the fact that you have cancer.
One thing is for sure it does indicate that further round of testing may be needed. This could be in the form of another Pap smear test or a colposcopy where with the help of a microscope you look into the cervix or a biopsy where a small tissue is being removed from the cervix and then is send across to the laboratory for further round of testing. The doctor is then going to discuss the results with you.
Out of 10 tests, 1 points to a degree of abnormality, but in most cases it is not a major cause of concern. Once again the major fact is that further round of testing will be needed to confirm inflammation, infection or HPV. The main cause of cervical cancer has to be HPV. Women who go on to receive treatment for HPV are not victims of cervical cancer in any way.
Abnormal Pap smear pregnant is undertaken at all costs, and if it is due the doctor is going to perform them for sure. The only difference that is observed is that a bit more bleeding might occur. Any check up on a periodical basis is necessary. The main purpose is to find out whether all the abnormal cells have gone on to vanish and the cervix has healed completely. To detect early is the key so that the cancer does not spread to other areas. Doctors will advise women on the duration they need to have Pap smear tests undertaken.
