Pain is a constant factor in every women’s lifetime be it
menstruation or labor pain during pregnancy. However these pain inevitably
comes with a lot of significance, rather it makes a girl a woman or a mother.
Although this pain caused by labor and delivery always puts women to utmost
anxious condition. Some might have these labors with relatively less pain than
the rest, however staying calm and composed during labors is one of the best
way to cope in this situations. As the time for the delivery comes closer this
labor becomes more and more predominant to every single mother-to-be.
Pain during Labor
labor the pain is result of the contractions of the uterus muscles and also due
to the pressure upon cervix. This pain is felt like a strong cramping sensation
in the abdominal region, back and groin, along witha severe achy feeling. Some
women also experience pain in thighs, as well as on their sides. There are
other causes also for labor pain, they are stretching of the women’s birth
canal towards vagina as the time for the delivery comes closer, pressure
created on the bladder and also due to bowels for because of the baby’s
head.This labor is different for every different women. As labor pain is
regarded as one of the most extreme experience, endured by every women, but its
range differs from woman to woman. Labor pain can be experienced very
differently, some feels diarrheal cramps, some feel severe pressure, for some
it is similar to that of menstrual cramps etc. Not only the pain, the sensation
of contraction at regular interval makes the woman very unstable and as the
time for the delivery nears these intervals become shorter and contractions
become regular
Managing Labor
Pack your bags for labor
or during the labor might be the usual concept. However in the early stages
there is no need to rush to the hospital as the labor appears. There are many
ways tomanage this condition
Relaxation- A relaxed and peaceful mind can always the most
wanted thing during labor, when fear crosses the limits anxiety sets in. So by
controlling the emotion the one can feel a lot good during labor.
Breathing- normal breathe in and breathe out can also fade the
sensation. Deep panting and strange loud noises are suggested for such
Around- Simple movements like walking, swaying around or changing
position using the gravity can be advantageous in pain management.
Therapy- It is a very unique therapy with a lot of wonders where
water is poured over the body surface, over the shoulders, just like spa to
cause the relaxation.
Packing during Labor
the end months of the pregnancy nears everyone should be ready, because at any
moment hospitals can be rushed upon for delivery. Packing for Hospital or birth Center these things should be kept
ready in bag- dressing-gowns, nightdress, under-garments, few sanitary napkins,
lip balm, hospital notes and prescriptions, massage oil or lotion etc.
period comes with a lot of pain however ends with immense joyful scenario. A
simple curiousness and care to this situation is needed very much to cope with
these condition.
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