Necessity And Risks Associated With Vacuum Associated Delivery

There are various events during parturition that require assistance. The assisted birth helps the baby to come out of the womb after parturition. For these, some methods are used, which assist the baby to come out. There are various reasons for which a mother requires vacuum assist technique during the time of delivery. It is a procedure to be done minutely and therefore experts take up the task of this delivery.

Requirement and the process

Vacuum assistance during birth is a machine which has a vacuum cup on top of it which is attached to the head before pulling out the baby. This process looks simple, but is actually very complex, because it is related to certain reasons when they are necessary.
1. After a person gets tired due to intense pushing for several hours. The exhaustion can prove fatal and thus vacuum assisted delivery becomes necessary.
2. There are certain complications when a mother is at a potential health risk while pushing and thus at that moment this assisted option is used.
3. If the head of the baby is not at the optimal position then they doctors at first try crowning by hand movements. But when that process fails, they need to go for vacuum assisted birth.
4. Sometimes the early birth of babies becomes necessary to save the infant. In such cases pushing may turn out to be risky for the baby. Therefore, doctors use vacuum-assisted delivery.
These reasons make the machinery required and the expertise of doctors is very necessary to get a perfect delivery. Assisted delivery tools are helpful for the mothers as it decreases the pressure they need to take up during the time of parturition.

Risks associated with it

There are many potential risks that come with vacuum associated delivery. Those risks are associated with the baby, but most of the complications fade away soon. The risks of Vacuum Extractordelivery are as follows:
1. The babies who are born with the help of vacuum extractors are expected to have a bump on their head which disappears after a few hours.
2. Bleeding under covering of skull or bleeding under scalp may be possible after this kind of delivery. They cause swelling but goes away within days or weeks. They are not life-threatening.
If we consider the risks associated beside the benefits, benefits are sure to overpower the risk, because in most cases this mechanism of delivery is prescribed as the mother and baby have a chance of losing their lives. There are babies doing fine after a vacuum associated delivery with the signs of problem fading away with time.


Machinery for this delivery has been equally helpful to the mother and baby and thus when mothers fail to push, this machine helps in normal delivery. The side effects, if any, fade away with time. Therefore when a doctor prescribes vacuum extractor delivery, a mother should go for it. This helps her to have lesser pain during parturition where the process goes easily, without any health risks.
