Just like childbirth or pregnancy, there are some important qualities to have an idea before you go on to become a first time mother. Below are mentioned some facts on breastfeeding that would be of immense help to you.
- With breastfeeding babies are less likely to get sick. The main reason for it is that it is known to reduce infection of the ears or any stomach problems.
- The baby is able to smell you in a better way. There is no denying the fact that new born have a strong sense of smell and they can figure out the smell of breast milk. This is when the baby is going to turn their head towards you when they are hungry
- The baby can become personal and close to you. One of the quality traits of a baby is that they are near sighted, and that would mean that they can only come across things which are 8 to 15 inches besides them. This is also the distance between the face of a mother and a baby’s face when they are breastfeeding. So when the baby establishes an eye contact with you, it truly works out to be an emotional moment
- With the help of breast milk, the baby is being exposed to a host of tastes. Any formula has a single taste. With the help of the breast milk, the baby tends to get a hang of it and this would mean whatever you are known to consume. What it would mean that in due course introduction of solid foods is going to become a lot easier
- With the help of breastfeeding you are able to lose weight. Mothers who are into breastfeeding their babies on a regular basis loose around 600 calories per day. This would mean that you are going to return back to the pre pregnancy weight pretty quickly.
- The body starts getting into a breastfeeding mode at the time of pregnancy itself. Once you give birth, the body is given the final go ahead to produce milk. This is on the higher side that you can expect a little one to handle. The simple reason for it is that the body is not aware of the fact whether you have one or more than one babies to feed. In due course of time the supply of milk regulates to adjust to the demands of the baby. Another important point of consideration is breastfeeding lowers women’s risks on a considerable basis as well.
- During a feeding session the colour of the milk tends to change. When the baby starts to nurse the colour of the milk is white blue. By the end of the session the colour of the milk tends to become much thicker, and that would mean the necessary calories are going to be provided so that the baby is fit and strong.
To sum it up the milk in the breasts are known to heal in due course as well.
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