If you are a woman of child bearing age, then pap smears is something that you would be aware. Though most of the times the test is normal, but there are women who do go on to receive an abnormal pap smear. This would mean that you would need further course of testing. If abnormal Pap smear during pregnancy is found out there is no need to lose sleep over. The result could go on to indicate something or serious or it may be nothing at all as well. During pregnancy it is something that is hardly heard off and the treatment modules can be provided to the would be moms as well.
It is safe on all counts to be part of this procedure during pregnancy. Doctors are likely to perform this surgery if it is due for them, and this is not taking into account the pregnancy status of a woman. The major point of difference you are likely to encounter Pap smear during pregnancy is some increase in the amount of bleeding. As the cervix is embedded with blood during this process, some amount of bleeding is common during this type of procedure to be honest.

When a woman is told that she has an abnormal pap smears during pregnancy, it is going to be an anxious time for sure. Once again if it is abnormal there is no major cause of concern in any way. It may go on to indicate the presence of some form of cancer cells, it would also mean infection. What it would mean that further rounds of testing would be needed as well.
If abnormal Pap smear is found out during the course of pregnancy, the doctor will ask you to perform a colposcopy. During the course of this test, the cervix will be viewed under magnification. When a doctor does this, they are going to have an idea on what is the main reason behind the occurrence of the same and how the treatment process should begin as well.
If your doctor goes on to formulate an opinion that the result of abnormal Pap smear did stem out form cancer cells, and then there is no other option for you, as after pregnancy only you can receive the treatment. If one is pretty early in their stages of pregnancy the doctor may ask you to terminate the pregnancy and receive treatment. On the other hand if it is late in the stages of pregnancy, your labor is going to be pushed back a few days ahead so that you can receive the desired course of treatment.
To conclude, there is no risk to the baby if abnormal cells are being found in the cervix. In most of the cases the cells tend to be washed away during the process of labor along with delivery. If the doctor is of the opinion that an abnormal pap smear can pose risk to the baby, then they may ask you to opt for a C section. But this situation is rarer.
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