When the baby is in the posterior position, then the delivery is a posterior delivery. This position is also known as sunny-side up or face-up. It is a rare case and happens only with few mothers. In this position the baby faces the mother’s abdomen. This occiput posterior position or OP means that during this type of position the baby’s skull faces the back portion of the mother’s pelvis. Many women think that this is a wrong position and it can hurt the baby and the mother as well during the birth of the baby. However, it is not a wrong position, but a different one indeed. That doesn’t mean it will hurt the mother and the baby. If your doctor says that your baby is in posterior position and you are still confused about the whole situation, then do ask your doctor about what does sunny side up baby mean and make sure that you are clear about everything and don’t leave any doubts on your mind. As a mother you have the right to clear all your doubts regarding your pregnancy. Make sure that you are aware of everything that is going on in your body and in this way you can connect with your child more.

This posterior position depends on certain factors as well. Mainly it depends on which month of pregnancy it is. According to research many babies are posterior before they are born, but then they come to the normal birth position. Only few babies are born in this position. It nears to only four to ten percentages of babies. Also, doctors say that this birth position is higher among women who are getting pregnant for the first time. Sometimes babies change their position throughout the labour and they assume their final birth position just before birth. The birth position of the baby is very unpredictable and variable as well. Generally most babies stay in their face-down position before birth and only few babies are born by sunny side up delivery. This position makes it difficult for a normal delivery and many mothers have to opt for a caesarean section delivery because in the posterior position it becomes difficult for the baby to come out of the mother’s womb as the head gets stuck in a difficult position and the baby is unable to come out easily.
If the baby is in the posterior position and you want a normal birth, then be prepared for a longer birth time because it will take time to give birth in this weird position. Also, sometimes lower back pains during labour happen when the baby is in the posterior position, but consults your doctor and clarify with them the reason for this. One of the major factors why the baby is in this position is the lifestyle of the mother. A modern lifestyle with less work can cause the baby to be born in this position. That is why developed countries face these problems more because their women are more related to desk jobs than manual jobs. However, don’t panic if you face this situation and trust your doctor and midwife during the delivery.
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