Some dos and don’ts for the mommy-to-be

Being a mother is not only a beautiful thing, but very amazing as well. It is one experience that not only enriches you but let you be yourself as well. You finally learn how much pain you can endure or how much love you can give to someone. It tests you ultimately in every way. You fight the ugly signs of pregnancy like morning sickness, swelling etc. just because you want to see the face of your beautiful child. However, just for the sake of your baby you will need to totally change your lifestyle as well and try to lead a healthy lifestyle and be mindful as well. Here are some do’s and don’ts for your pregnancy that will help you in giving birth to a healthy baby while staying healthy yourself. Take a look at them.
Image result for people touching pregnant belly
  • Do some yoga every day and make this a routine and even after your delivery don’t stop it. Yoga will help you lose some postpartum weight. It will keep your body and mind healthy and happy as well. It will help you fight the pregnancy blues as well and this will help you in connecting with your child as well.
  • Don’t do anything that you are uncomfortable with. For example, don’t allow people touching pregnant belly if you are uncomfortable with it. Don’t let anyone enter your private space. Tell them nicely and if needed then do be rude because it is your right after all. Your belly is not some showpiece and feeling negative can harm the baby as well.
  • Stop smoking and drinking totally. Quit them for good and leave them forever if you want your baby to stay healthy after birth as well. Also, make sure that you stay away from people as well who are chain-smokers or force you to drink alcohol.
  • Do eat mindfully and try to eat light meals that comprises mostly of home-cooked fresh meals. Ty to avoid fat foods and outside foods. Don’t buy preservative filled foods ever.
  • Don’t forget to take your water intake properly. Drinking proper amount of water is very important and it will prove beneficial for both you and your baby.
    So, make sure you are drinking water properly.
  • Make sure that you are taking time out for yourself as well. Make sure that you try to connect with your baby and you can do this by rubbing pregnant bellies or talking to your baby. It is scientifically proven that babies can hear and feel and see everything. So, try to connect with your baby every day.
These are the most essential rules that you need to follow during pregnancy. Also, make sure that they are suiting you because each woman’s body is special and is made in a different way so what will suit one won’t suit another so it is important that you stay healthy and do only those things that you feel comfortable with. Your bundle of joy will later thank you for all your sacrifices and your body will thank you as well. So, do follow them for the sake of your health and your baby’s future as well.
