Douching: Beneficial or Harmful

vaginal douching

Maintaining proper hygiene
Every single person in this world always wants to be clean and hygienic in their life. This practice helps them to be fit and healthy. As with unhygienic work and practices, we invite many diseases mainly the infectious diseases induced by the virus, bacteria, fungi and many other microorganisms. So cleanliness will definitely keep this habits at bay. A human body is the reservoir of many microorganisms. These microorganisms are effectively present in the human body exhibiting the mutualistic relationship with the human body. Still many of the microorganisms have the tendency to break the skin barrier or the physiological barrier present in the body to affect the body. Douching is another practice which is exhibited by many women with a sole intention of cleaning the vaginal area. However, the intention is not bad but in some cases, the method becomes very much risky.

What is douching?
Douching is the process of cleaning the vagina with simple water or using especially composed cleansing liquid. The region of the cervix to the vagina is very much moist and full of acidic secretion. These secretions are necessary to maintain a proper state of the vagina as many microorganisms are staying in those regions in a mutualistic way and the many of them die due to the acidity. Thus it helps the vagina to be free of the harmful microorganism and thus be free of many infections. Douche bags are sold in many departmental and medical stores. A common composition includes water, baking soda, acetic acid or vinegar and other materials. Generally, the bottle comes to a tube like structure through which the liquid is squirted in the vaginal region o cleans the inner surfaces of the vagina. It is different from normal washing as vaginal douching is intended to clean the inner vaginal tract which is not recommended at all, however, normal cleaning of the outer surface is actually good.

Effect of douching
The vaginal and the cervical region in the human body has a particular pH. The range is mainly in the acidic range thus protecting the vagina from harmful microorganisms. Douching changes this particular pH of the vagina. Thus in this process, it helps many harmful bacteria and the viruses to thrive in the vaginal region causing serious infection and discomfort in the vaginal region. Some people also use some aromatic chemicals so as to have a good smell which too results into relentless irritation and inflammation in many cases.

Problems induced by vaginal douching
  • Along with the irritations, the different disease also aggravates with vaginal douching. They are
  • Vaginosis, caused by the bacteria mainly. They increase the chances of sexually transmitted disease and also induce preterm labor in many individuals.
  •  Inflammation in the pelvic region is another problem that occurs due to douching.
  • Pregnancy complication like the ectopic pregnancy is a very common result of the vaginal douching.
Douching while pregnant is strictly not recommended. However, cleaning those portions with normal warm water is a far better option. Altering the normal physiological condition of the human body can give rise serious problems like cervical cancer also. 
